Friday, August 12, 2011

if you don't like it leave

I'm a mean awful cold hearted bitch. I'll admit it. I hate people, I hate the world, I hate everything. I don't have anything to "gain" by harassing people. I don't do it to make myself feel better or some bull shit like that. I do it because if I don't like you I'm going to make your life hell, that's all there is to it. I'll say it to your face and let you know I don't like you. I don't give a fuck if people think I'm a crazy bitch, go for it. I don't give a fuck about you or anyone else, I especially don't value other peoples opinions of me. If you don't like who I am and you don't like that I enjoy making people feel like shit because I think it's funny then leave. I'm not making you stay, go ahead and walk.

Monday, August 8, 2011


i think i just followed my own blog???

For Real (this is a very long rant mostly for my personal reasons)

I need to write this because if I don't I'm going to explode. I was going to write a very rude paragraph filled with expletives  Then I took a breath and realized that I can write a very meaningful yet still to the point message about why people aggravate me. I'm not saying this post won't have profanity so be prepared for some strong words and rude messages. I am so sick of people thinking they are the center of the universe. We got in one fight, we made it clear that we do not want anything to do with it anymore. Why in the world would we continue to beat the dead horse if we didn't want anymore trouble? We are not posting about you on various different websites in order to send you on a scavenger hunt to find out that we are talking about you. No. We do not care what you do with your life. We said what we needed to and we stressed our points. We don not care to have anything to do with you ever again. Having that said I would now like to talk about crazy people and why they aggravate the shit out of me.

I do not like drama. I tend to not participate in drama. Anyone reading this who thinks otherwise go ahead but I honestly have to much to deal with in my life to deal with yours. When I do engage in an argument I research it. I find out the points and opinions of all involved. When I talk about it with the person I have a problem with I don't blindly attack. You may think I am bull shitting right now but I'm not. When I am telling you that you are wrong it's most likely because you are. When everyone else has stories that match up and yours is completely different I'm guessing that you are the one at fault there. Sorry if you disagree. When you start making up your own facts and start telling lies then clearly you don't have your story straight. You are never going to convince me that you are right if you cannot make a valid argument. You can sit there all you want and say that I have no argument and all that, but you are wrong. It's also not fair when you tell people who have no buisness in being involved what a bitch I am and that I'm a terrible person who's only intent is to hurt you. You have no right telling people lies about us or anyone to make yourself look better. Another thing that i'd like to address now is when you accuse me of things that I did not do.

I did not make you feel guilty I was simply telling you that I do know what a relationship is about. She wasn't trying to make you feel guilty about her mom. She was simply stating that she has a lot going on in her life right now that she has to think about and deal with. She does not have time for your bull shit. Just because you suddenly think you are entitled to start picking fights with people because you've "grown a backbone" doesn't mean you have the right to attack someone over something unrelated. "Growing a backbone" doesn't mean being a dumb bitch to everyone who was friends with you. We knew who you were before you lost your mind. All your friends who you consider your best friends, they are just people who agree with whatever the fuck comes out of your mouth. They don't try to help you and they don't try to help you see if you are doing something that could have a bad outcome. They sit back and watch and tell you that you are perfect. Sorry that we didn't do that. Sorry we tried to help, our bad.

Another thing, learn to use a dictionary. If you are going to try and use big words please learn what they mean so you don't embarrass yourself. You can't sound smart when you make typo after typo and talk likeeeee thissssss.

You are a sad and pathetic girl who is so bored with her life that she craves attention in any form she can get it.

This is my only post that was and ever will be dedicated to you on here.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Dippity Do

So today I got my new hair cut. I got a Rihanna inspired mohawk cut. It really tuned out great. It's awesome! It could have come out totally wonky but it looks great. It feels great too, and is very easy to style. I can't see myself going back to long hair for a while. This is so comfy I absolutely love it. I can't wait for school to start again so I can show off my new hair. I want to thank Julie Foley at Salon Dicarlo. She did such an amazing job I wouldn't trust anyone else with this. Really did an outstanding job on this hair cut, just phenomenal. So happy with it!!! I'm just so excited to show people!!