Thursday, June 13, 2013

Express Yourself...

But only if it will make you worthy of a desk job. 

Today I read an eye opening article on Yahoo and I thought I would share it with my fellow artists. 

My step-dad sent me this article today in an email, and what was different about this email was that I actually opened it. I usually ignore the emails he sends me because there's nothing of value to me in the links that he sends. For some reason however I decided to open this link and found an article that made my blood boil. 

Not so much for the content, I understand that going into my field of study is a gamble and that in any art form there is going to be challenges and struggles. No, what really go to me was the condescending way this article was written. 

First off, you write for Yahoo... Who even are you? 
Second, you're bashing liberal arts when you're a journalist who probably went to school and studied liberal arts. 
Third... you write for Yahoo.

I feel like I should write a bit more but I'll let you read the article and form your own feelings and opinions. 

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