Thursday, July 28, 2011


So last night I was awakened by the loudest thunder clap... EVER. I watched the storm for a bit and felt the house shaking around me and clung to my little brother who was scared from the noise. This morning started off with the absolute screams or sheer agony as my parents tried to remove a splinter from my brothers foot. When I say screams.... I mean death. Like if you were to put death in sound form this was it. They still have yet to get it out and I'm eagerly anticipating round 2.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Beddy boo

So I'm off to bed but not without saying goodnight to my love. Josh and I have have been writing up a storm to eachother over the internet. Technology can sometimes be a wonderful thing. If anyone is look for a good bedtime read feel free to click here --->
This is a creative writing community and there are so many great aspiring authors on here. That link up there is to my profile where you can navigate to my stories, poems, and journals. Feel free to check it out. I've made it public to all for a very short time please stop by and tell me what you think. Alright of to say love yous to Josh. Night everyone.

i miss him

So I'm in Michigan and I'm on a family trip. My boyfriend Josh was supposed to come with us but do to some "complications" he couldn't come. I have been here for almost a week and to top it off I had already not seen him for almost two weeks because he was on a family vacation as well. I am so depressed right now I don't even know what to do. I miss him more than anything else. He's everything to me and I miss him so much that it is physically hurting me. I cry myself to sleep thinking about him, all we've done like this entire week is sext over aim. I'm not upset with the sexting, let me just clear that right now. I miss him so much, it's absolutely unbearable. I have a lot of things wrong with me and I have very bad self esteem issues and self worth issues. I constantly degrade myself and compare my life to everyone else. No one would ever know that though, I'm very good at hiding these things. I have depression and I'm angry all the time. I don't tell my parents because I don't want any more medications and I don't want to sit in a room for an hour with some idiot who thinks he knows my problems. Josh helped me with all of that. He made me happy and safe. I felt safe with him. I don't feel safe any more. I need him and I miss him. I love him to the moon and back and I miss him.

i really want french fries

So it's my little brothers third birthday today. Now there is food everywhere, I can smell all of it. To my delight what scent should waft to my nose? French Fries. I know for a fact there are no french fries. For a fact. Do you know how depressing it is to smell french fries but know there are none to eat? Hmmm, do you? No, no you don't, because if you did you would be dead. It is so painful knowing that there are no french fries out there to be eaten that I might just die. I can't even... it should be against all living creation to have a food that isn't french fries smell like french fries. Now I'm in Michigan visiting family right now. If I were home I could walk to a store by my house and get french fries. But I'm in Michigan, I don't know of any stores within walking distance where I can purchase french fries. So I must suffer without french fries, here, in Michigan.