Saturday, March 2, 2013

Back in the USSR (sort of)

Woah, haven't been here in a while.

Well I was looking back at my old posts and noticed that I was a pubescent middle schooler apparently.

Fuck that.

Let's not going back there, sounds like a pretty good plan. My life is pretty decent right now. I was accepted to my top school and got some money for tuition so I can actually go there, that's quite exciting. It's in California. San Francisco to be exact. Let's see how I fair in art school all by myself with no one around to remind me that I have to actually do my work. In order to keep my scholarship I have to maintain a 3.0 average GPA. I can't be the only one doubting myself, I mean come on... I barely graduated high school.

I suppose however getting into college without a school system of help was a kick in the pants and I did take the initiative to apply on my own without anyone saying that I should. I also picked the location on my own knowing fully well what will come with being across the country from my family and friends. It's an adventure that's for sure, always been one to jump feet first into the deep end. No toe dipping for me.

Aside from school and such I guess I should write about my current interests. I was recently invited by a friend of mine to come see him play a show in Wareham, MA where I was introduced to my new favorite band.

I haven't stopped listening to their music since the show. I had never heard of them prior to that, and I was unfairly deprived of awesome music. No matter my mood it's just always playing. I hope I can see them one more time before I go off to school, they unfortunately don't tour out west :( But you know maybe they will someday. They're all wicked nice guys and they're really talented and deserve every ounce of fame they'll gradually gain. Oh and as an added bonus their drummer is none other than Agent Cody Banks. Ya that's right, I met Frankie Muniz at the show. Had to really use the little self control I posses to keep myself calm, cool, and collected. Well, let's be honest, I'm never any of those things. I just used Herman to break the ice.

I didn't have Herman last time I posted! I'll be sure to do a separate post all about him. For now though I think that pretty much wraps up this quick update. I'm sure it's scattered and anyone reading it is probably developing ADD as we read. However don't worry I can assure you...

It will only get worse :)

p.s. here's a picture with me and the guys from Kingsfoil. We all look possessed.

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