Monday, September 26, 2011

do you really know?

You always say you care about me. That you love me. I believe you... sometimes. You say you know how much it hurts me you understand. No you don't. You don't get it at all. You just think you do, but you don't. You don't understand and I highly doubt you ever will. You think you understand so well. You know how people work you get it. No. You don't, at all. I love you more than anything. I would give anything to make you happy. I would give you the world if you wanted it. I would do anything for you. If you and I were the last two people in the entire universe I would be perfectly happy. You wouldn't be though. You wouldn't do anything for me. You wouldn't give up anything to make me happy. You want to stick up for yourself and everyone else. But not me. You want everyone to see you in the right light. I do, no matter what. You want to make sure everyone thinks of you right, regardless of what that might do to me. You don't care. You don't care at the right time. You care when it's easy. You care when it looks good. You care when no body is looking.

You don't need the whole world to love you, sometimes you just need one person. Me. I'll always love you no matter what. I'll always think you're great. I always have. You are my hero. You are the most amazing and inspiring person I've ever met. You don't even realize how much I respect you. How highly I think of you, how highly I hold you. You mean more to me than anything. I couldn't imagine where I would be right now if we had never started dating. Sometimes I don't think you see how much you mean to me. I think you sometimes take for granted how much I give myself to you, without even meaning to. I know your intentions are good. But they aren't right. You want to please everyone. You said you'll just be single just like all the peace keepers out there. You'd rather take the easy way out than confront the issue. You don't want to face anything. You want to run. I know you strongly disagree with me on this but it's true. You want to break up with me because it would be best? No you want to break up with me because you don't want to make sacrifices and you don't want to hurt other people. What about me? What about hurting me? You seem to be perfectly ok with doing that? Why am I dispensable? Why aren't I important enough to fight for?

I know I'm not her but if you want her then have her not me. Don't keep me around because you know I'll stay. If you don't want this anymore I don't want to force you into it. I love you more than you will ever know. I'll always be here for you, but... I can't keep hanging around hoping you make the right decision. Because what you and I think are the right decisions are very different. I hope that you realize how much I love you and how much you mean to me. You really are my hero. I just hope others hold you as highly as I do. If she's so important to you I hope she knows what an amazing person you are. I hope she knows what she has. I hope she understands how much I hurt knowing that you can't give her up. I hope she can see the person you really are, how rare you are. You really are a truly amazing and wonderful guy. I hope she knows that.

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