Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Part 1: This Bitch

You know it's going to be a good story when it starts out with, This Bitch, right? Wrong. This story isn't really a good story. It only depicts how self centered, ignorant, and mean people are. I am not going to sit here and pretend like I'm a god sent angel, because I will be the first to admit that I am far from. However I will say that I am very good at understanding people and trying to see things from their point of view. I'm not quick to judge and if I offer to help it's genuine. So I'll start my story...

This Bitch that has been the topic of one other post on here is just the most ignorant, self centered, and dense people I have ever had the misfortune to meet. She thinks so highly of her self that she can't see the truth, no one thinks of you that way. She really thinks that her shit don't stink. It's really aggravating to see her in the halls everyday, and know that she thinks she's hot shit. You aren't pretty, you aren't smart, and you aren't the best thing since sliced bread.

Anyways, she and her boyfriend had a falling out. I have an advice blog and it seemed like he could really use some help. I talked to him for a while and gave him unbiased and honest advice. I didn't use him or manipulate him, I never had malicious intent. I was simply helping. She goes and tells him that I'm manipulating him and that it was the worst mistake ever to talk to me and all this bull shit. It was stupid. I helped your boyfriend because you're a gutless whore, not my fault.

She is also just annoying as all get out. I can't stand her at all. In the least bit. If I had to be stuck in a room with no one else but her and I was given a gun and my only option was to die or spend an hour with her... I'd shoot her in the face. So that being said, I really can't stand this girl at all. Never have never will. However if I am giving you advice, take it. I actually have been through a lot even though I know you'd like to think other wise. I'm pretty sure I've been around the block a couple more times that you have. I know what I'm talking about and my words are not ill conceived. You need to get a grip on your life and figure it out before you ruin it.

You aren't the big man on campus. You don't have to be a bitch and a liar just because you want to "have a backbone" no. Just no. Having a backbone doesn't mean turning on everyone who was once friends with you. It doesn't mean being a stuck up bitch. Just no.

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